Controversial Law Forces Gun Owners to Keep Their Guns in a Gun Safe
- June 03, 2019
- 2 min read
New Australian law requires guns to be locked in a gun safe. Over these past few months gun rights have been a hot bed of conversation in the United States. However it seems as if it is being brought up much more often internationally especially with the institution of Operation Gun Safe in Busselton, Australia. With the countless debates between anti gun control and pro gun control sides here in the United States, it is not surprising to see this topic gain world recognition and this law in Australia will surely prove to be a big part of the ongoing debate about gun rights. Operation Gun Safe will consist of police going to the houses of all registered gun owners and making sure that they are complying with this new law. The law states that firearms must be kept in a gun safe that meet the law's requirements. The main goal behind this operation is to minimize the theft of firearms and make sure that they are kept in a gun safe. The other goals would be to check that the guns would be kept in a good working condition and that all stolen or lost weapons are reported to the police. The Senior Sergeant of the Busselton Police Department Steve Principe an advocate for the law said "" We want to educate people to ensure that firearms are kept in a safe and secureenvironment."" Principe believes that this law will truly help keep communities safe. He illustrates this belief when he stated that "" We don't want to punish people; we just want to ensure that the safety of the community is paramount."" After having 11 firearms stolen in Busselton last year, advocates of the law are hoping that the integration of this law will drastically cut that down. They believe that this law, requiring guns to be locked in a gun safe and ensuring that all guns are accounted for will increase the safety of the whole community. Ultimately we do not know how this law will affect gun thefts in the area until it comes to a conclusion this upcoming October, however we do know that this law can only help increase the number of guns being locked up in a gun safe and ultimately the safety of the community. Stay tuned for more information regarding Operation Gun Safe and it's relative successes or failures."
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- June 03, 2019
- 2 min read